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What is it to create from infinity?

Creation from infinity is the new theme around which people on Earth will evolve. Until the year 2020, the Earth as an independent entity (an explanation of this can be read in the previous blog) was a dimension where people learned their personal development through two temporary states: “lack” and “abundance”. One axis of activity has two modes. Positioning yourself on the side of lack makes a person feel uncomfortable and go into it even more (getting fattened) or try to get out of it at all costs (effort). On the other hand, abundance is a situation where you try to stay all the time, in every field, without self-control for the times you need it.

Creation from infinity is a state in which a person does not depend on raw materials or internal and external situations to create what he wants to create. Creation from infinity is based on the need to create for creation’s sake. The result, the vision, the goals, and the objectives become a marginal detail that does not constitute the creative process itself, but only a “frame story” so that the creation can come to be implemented. I’m sure the readers of this post are asking themselves: so what? What’s left?

of Creation from the action itself and not from the story that a person tells himself about the action is a natural movement of presence. This work starts from the premise that all we want is an independent entity that exists thanks to itself.

It exists around us in a dimension that our current attention has no access to, we only have to choose to summon it to the dimension we are present in.

The steps to create from nothing:

In the first step, it is important to remove the background noise. To understand that as we treat ourselves, so reality will treat us. To understand that the attitude and the language we speak to ourselves is the one that will determine the result of our creation.

There is no connection between the result we want and what is happening in the external environment: our feelings, thoughts, and desires towards the environment do not help to resonate with the inclusiveness that corresponds to what we want to invite into our lives.

In the second stage, it is important to release our desire to be independent. Our desire is an entity in itself that will exist before we choose and after we choose it. We want to invite her into our lives

In the third stage, we must choose that all our references to things that happen in the mind, heart, intuition, body, soul, and ego will be compatible with the will. An attitude that blocks the desire will delay or prevent fulfillment.

When do you start creating from infinity and join the new investigation??

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