Technological, cognitive, educational, and many other types of innovation are considered a symbol of progress in the human world. But there is a fascinating Achilles heel to this; what happens when innovation meets the emotional and spiritual world of people? Innovation is the great mother of creativity. If creativity is about moving from one content to another within the same thinking pattern, then innovation changes the thinking pattern. Creativity deals with other issues to think about, while innovation discusses the way you think.
On the one hand, your pattern changes, but the content you pour into it can even remain the same. This pattern not only serves you to learn and understand new things, but also to change the way you observe the same things. Changing the way you observe is actually the energetic change you undergo as part of the synchronization between awareness and your development.
This can make it easier for you to develop, on the other hand, there may be a situation where you develop towards thinking patterns that you do not know deeply.
In this article, I will define innovation as a tool for choosing the thinking pattern into which you pour the content of your personal development.
What is innovation?
Innovation is a state of consciousness in which your identity can move freely between different forms of thinking, without using one or more of them to define itself. Innovation is an energy that separates you from the knowledge that you wish to convey and learn. Innovation has 4 components that can help you distinguish it from creativity:
Innovation as a tool for personal development
Spiritual development moves between innovation and stability. You do want to develop, but you also seek the criteria, metrics, and processes required to evaluate yourself along the way.
Results, understanding, clarity, and a sense of familiarity with the process that is happening are just some of the hundreds of metrics that your mind’s sense of value will bring you together with along the way. You can choose whether to relate to them from the energy of lack or use the energy of innovation. The meeting point with innovation is not easy.
You change your self-definition at the speed of light and thus have difficulty finding a familiar starting point to hold on to in order to absorb the new knowledge. This structure of development that you hold on to offers a receptor for knowledge. Knowledge is a new energy that must land in a certain place within you, so that you can translate it into words and definitions.
If the receptor lands in a place that is difficult for you to translate into words and definitions, it becomes a source of difficulty. One of the most common ways in which this difficulty manifests itself is in your fear of what or who thinks or behaves differently from you.
Despite the deep sense of separateness that exists on Earth, the feeling that another person behaves differently from you sends your subconscious the assumption that your perception is threatened, because it does not have the exclusivity to choose to act as it wants.
Innovation as a tool for distancing
In situations such as those described in the previous paragraph, a strange fear can manifest itself through a different attitude towards spirituality and sometimes disconnected from the knowledge that people wanted to assimilate. In other words, the need to protect the feeling of lack outweighs the need to evolve. Resistance to innovation and sometimes outright rejection creates developmental problems in several aspects:
These three tools and the appendages that come with their very existence distance each person from the way they observe what is happening in their life and divert their attention from the content. Changing the content from one state to a more comfortable state is an illusion of development.
Most people encounter their spiritual development when they are looking for a solution. In most cases, normative or alternative solutions have not provided the desired result, and those people who are about to develop for the future are looking for the ultimate form that they can go through a process on their own to reach the result. Going through this process is actually breaking down the innovation into different parts and arranging them according to an older template. This template does not fit the upgraded version from which your soul asks you to do your job. You can resolve the conflict, but you can also implement two thought patterns in advance to avoid this conflict:
Implement these insights and your soul will be able to begin to cooperate with you.
It will infuse you with innovation, through its unique imprinting. You will recognize it and a process of cooperation will begin here for the resonance of wonderful knowledge.