Self-healing is one of the most lofty goals in the eyes of people undergoing a process of spiritual development. The feeling of independence and the understanding that all the resources a person needs to heal themselves are within him is a particularly liberating element. The intoxication of freedom in self-healing shapes people’s inner listening in a very specific way. This form is not necessarily their development, but it does bring them to a new space.
This new space is an intermediate space between development and satisfaction of needs.
In this space, people who have found their inner sources of healing can feel fulfilled. From a certain point of view, this space is at odds with development. It is finite, limited and represents the scale of lack and abundance: satisfaction versus need.
Please note, in this article I will review a new relationship with the subject of self-healing. with an emphasis on the intermediate space created in it. We will define the healing, without adding the pain to be part of our internal system out of necessity. Then, we can choose together how we can heal ourselves over time.
From a deep understanding that healing is a continuous development of a process, an initiative, a personal project to manage a multidimensional relationship at different levels of existence. All these layers are united by love.
The power within: what is self-healing?
Self-healing is a complex relationship between different layers of occurrence. In order to understand what self-healing is, it is important to understand what is not healing. Many people are used to defining self-healing by pain.
In practice, healing is not dual. It is a continuous and deep process that each soul uses in order to resonate its authentic frequency along a wider wave.
Self-healing by definition is the development of a relationship between the energetic bodies and the external reality.
This relationship is based on 3 main anchors:
- Personal responsibility – the external reality regularly projects patterns and beliefs to me that I did not agree to acknowledge within myself. Each person creates his own reality, whether he is satisfied with it or not. If a person creates a reality that he is not satisfied with, it is a sign that there is a need in his subconscious that has not been met.
- Love – the end result of self-healing is always love. A sense of unity without the need to connect for that purpose.
- Movement – energy is constantly moving. Any attempt to store it or release it all will be in vain. In practice, healing is the ability to listen to our internal energy rhythm and our external signs at the same time and change with them.
It is important to note, many people associate the subject of healing with life lessons. In practice, a life lesson is a gap between what is available and what is desired. Whereas healing, is an energy that has entered into some of our personality tissues as humans and remains there. Going through a life lesson is not healing, the healing is one step later, while the lack enters our personality and manages it.
Inner listening: how to guide the body and mind for self-healing
Most people try to heal themselves unnecessarily. Many people try to heal themselves based on feeling pain or suffering. As a result, they become in need of the feeling of pain and suffering to heal themselves because these feelings serve as a warning sign. In practice, identifying the deficiency constitutes over 50% of the healing process.
People who want to go through a healing process face two types of deficiencies:
- Painful lack – a lack that is based on pain, suffering, frustration or an unfulfilled goal. In this situation people will define the healing as the fulfillment of the goal.
- Unpleasantness – a lack based on a lack of effort. Manifestation, creation of reality in its missing sense and all kinds of attempts to shape reality according to our view.
For example: if our effort does not bear fruit, we will stop trying.
If our desire does not come true, we will accept reality as it is and stop wanting.
Unpleasantness may sometimes pretend to be spiritual development. In practice, it is an attempt to give up a goal instead of changing the way to achieve it.
Having identified our type of lack, we must look at how to cure it. That is, how to establish a parallel relationship and later also an alternative one around personal development.
This relationship will be based on 3 anchors:
- How does reality treat me as I treat myself?
- Are my priorities based on internal hierarchies? Am I comfortable thinking that one thing is more important than another?
- What is the image I am trying to serve? Does it match my authentic essence?
Releasing stress through self-healing: stress management techniques
In situations where we have difficulty answering one or more of these questions, we may feel tension and stress.
These are some of the most famous “buttons” that life brings us together with and create an array of unpleasantness.
A state of stress is a state of untreated and compressed energy stress that is more than the general state of consciousness of the person at that moment. As soon as we allow ourselves to change our level of compression (practical) and ventilation (theoretical) according to the general energy that connects to us from the external reality, a stressful situation should not happen.
In other words, stress is the result of trying to store energy. When what revives the possibility of the body actually healing itself is the movement.
“Energy stores” is a concept that contradicts itself because energy is not stored. Energy is movement that we can perceive in a certain way. In order to release the stress in your life, follow the following steps:
- Avoid hoarding energy and choose the most ultimate way in your eyes to release your personal energy reserves.
- When you reach the zero point – listen to your body: aim for it not to have to move radically between alertness and relaxation.
- Check that you manage to connect your body to the task. Leave 20% of your attention for observation.
Personal empowerment: how to develop faith in the healing process
Most people were raised around a collective belief of “success” and “failure”.
Some things can happen and some things won’t happen. Most people also decide this belief based on the skill set they think fits the goal. In other words, the standard that people have to meet, is the main condition for the realization or non-realization of the goal. Faith in the healing process does not belong to evidence.
A person who looks for internal or external proofs of the reliability of the process – embeds the lack within him and he will have many reasons to heal himself. Faith is knowledge, it is a renewed commitment to your right to choose how the world and your life will look. This is the birthright of every soul that will take you from the exploration of lack and abundance to the new world where creation from the infinite is a way of life.